When you turn the handle on your faucet, chances are you’ve come to take it for granted that the water is going to run. When that expectation isn’t met, it can be both confusing and alarming. Unfortunately, there are a number of things that can cause your bathroom faucet to stop working properly.
The most common cause of bathroom faucet problems is having a leak. Leaks can happen throughout your plumbing system, and when they do, they can lower the water pressure to the point where no water even reaches the faucet. Leaks can also cause flooding or lead to mold, making it all the more important that you address the problem.
That said, leaks aren’t the only thing that can lead to a lack of water from the bathroom faucet. There are numerous issues that can cause your water flow to stop. Even if it is a leak causing the issue, there are a few kinds of leaks, each requiring different solutions.
Water Service Issues
If your bathroom faucet isn’t flowing, it could be that the issue goes beyond the bathroom. The problem may be with your water service.
The first thing you should do if you find your bathroom faucet isn’t working is check the rest of the faucets in your home. If they aren’t working either, it’s likely that your water service has been shut off. This could be due to a systemic issue or due to a lack of payment on your utility bills.
If this is the case, you’ll either have to wait for the city to solve the problem or pay your bills to resume service.
Water Mainline is Closed
Another systemic issue that can cause problems with your bathroom faucet, your water main line might be closed. If you contact the city and they confirm there are no problems with your water service, there is a strong possibility that this is the problem.
If you suspect this is the issue, you should check your mainline. Turn the valve and recheck your faucets.
Pipes are Frozen
The final systemic issue we’ll address, frozen pipes can also lead to issues with your bathroom faucet. If you are having issues with all of your faucets during the winter, it’s worth exploring your pipes to see if they have frozen. Depending on where the pipe is, a frozen pipe can also cut off the water supply to your bathroom faucet alone.
When your pipes freeze they can block off any liquid water from passing through.
If you discover a frozen pipe, the only solution is to warm it so the water inside reliquifies. This can be done using any sort of heating device that won’t get hot enough to be a fire hazard.
An appropriately placed space heater can work, as can a hairdryer. Just be sure to monitor the heat source and watch to ensure you don’t accidentally burn or melt anything.
If you are having problems with your bathroom faucet, it may be due to a blocked pipe. Pipes can become blocked from a buildup of small particles. Things like lime or rust can accumulate to the point where they partially or entirely cut off your water flow.
Unfortunately, this isn’t an easy fix. A plumber will likely need to come to inspect your pipes in order to find the blockage. From there, they can go in and remove the debris blocking your pipe, restoring water flow to your bathroom faucet.

Finally, we have leaks. Leaks can occur in any part of your plumbing system, and when they do, they can cause major issues with your water flow.
Additionally, leaks can cause issues outside of your plumbing. The water that escapes the pipes can cause damage to your home via erosion or by allowing mold to grow.
For these reasons, it is vital that you deal with leaks immediately. The longer you leave them, the worse the problem will get, and the more you’ll have to spend on repairs.
If you suspect a leak, you can confirm this by checking your water supply lines. A leak will be visibly evident.
If you do find a leak, the best way to deal with it is to call in a plumber. They can repair or replace your pipes, restoring water to your bathroom faucet.
Related Questions
How do you fix a faucet when no water is coming out?
If the problem lies with the faucet itself, the best way to fix the issue is to replace the faucet. This can usually be done with a simple tool kit, but you may want to call a professional if you are nervous about handling it yourself.
How do you unclog a bathroom sink?
A bathroom sink can be unclogged in a few ways. You may use tools such as a drain snake or a plunger. Liquid drain cleaner can also work to dissolve a clog in your bathroom sink
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