Having bugs around the house or outdoors as you enjoy the breeze on a hot night can be frustrating. Bugs get attracted to certain types of lights that they use as sources of warmth in colder seasons. They also use the light from the bulbs as a direction at night. If you’re annoyed by the presence of these creatures, consider getting lights that don’t attract bugs. Such lights allow you to use outdoor security lights without experiencing bugs nuisance.
Warm or cool lights will not attract bugs whenever you turn on the bulbs. This is because the bugs are unable to see these lights. Such lights should also have a longer wavelength to confuse the bugs.
Read on to understand the types of lights that don’t attract bugs. You’ll also understand why bugs are attracted to some light sources.
Lights That Don’t Attract Bugs
- Yellow Bug Lights
- Warm LED Lights
- Red Lights
- Yellow Or Orange CFL Lights
- Sodium Vapor Light
- Warm Halogen Lights
Yellow Bug Lights

Yellow lights don’t attract bugs because they can’t spot warmer colors past the yellow wavelength. The yellow light is on the last range of the bugs’ vision range, giving them a difficult time identifying.
Remember, bugs become sensitive to more than 550 nm wavelength, which is the deep yellow to orange colors. This wavelength affects their phototactic response, repelling them from the light source. So, if you want to repel bugs from light bulbs at night, install yellow bug light, which is outside their vision range. These lights are not in the bug’s wavelength as they’re longer wavelengths.
The yellow bug lights also don’t produce UV lights which attract bugs. Unlike in the past, where bug lights emitted heat, the yellow bug lights have less heat and are durable.
Initially, yellow lights come from CFL bulbs or incandescent light bulbs. However, some LED bulbs currently produce yellow lights that help chase away the bugs.
Warm LED Lights

Another type of light that doesn’t attract bugs is the warm LED lights. This is a perfect alternative for those who don’t like the yellow bug lights, which can be unattractive. These LED lights produce little heat and light, making them unappealing to the bugs. However, this works only if you’re using modern LED lights and not older ones.
The newer LED lights have a warm tint and not the coating found on the older LED lights, which emit much heat and UV light. So, it’s advisable to settle for warm-hue white LED lights to repel most bugs.
Red Lights
Using red lights will also help you do away with bugs. Remember, red lights are part of the visible spectrum with a longer wavelength. You can opt for red bulbs, which will give bugs a difficult time to spot.
You can install red string lights to help you repel bugs in your home. You can also use LED chili lights or Christmas lights to do away with the bugs. However, red lights tend to be unattractive to humans, and most people using them face social stigma.
Yellow Or Orange CFL Lights
You can also do away with bugs from your home by installing orange or yellow CFL lights. These lights have a longer wavelength which is unattractive to bugs. The yellow CFLs are also completely invisible to the bugs making them not flock around the light source.
The CFL doesn’t emit much heat and is also a good energy saver making them cost-effective. You can use them for outdoor lighting on the patio or porch.
Sodium Vapor Light
You can also use sodium vapor light which is a yellow light, to keep bugs away. These lights use gas (sodium) to produce a light wavelength of 589 nm. This is a longer wavelength and also falls in the range of the almost invisible colors to bugs.
So, if you use it, bugs will not come to flock around it while looking for direction of food. However, these lights best suit street use on street lamps.
Warm Halogen Lights
Halogen light will also not attract bugs whenever you switch on the lights. Warm halogen lights can produce yellow lights, which is unattractive to these insects. Warm halogen lights will repel bugs and make you comfortable sitting outdoors on a hot night.
Although halogen light emits ultraviolet light, they aren’t strong enough to attract bugs. Furthermore, you can reduce the UV lights with a plastic or glass cover to make them unattractive to bugs.
Go for a yellow-tinted halogen light and enjoy staying in a well-lit space. However, it’s advisable to use a low-wattage halogen bulb to reduce the amount of heat emitted. For example, instead of using a 100-watt bulb, go for a 60-watt halogen bulb.
What Attracts Bugs to Light?
Most bugs are attracted to light because the lights emit heat which helps them keep warm. Light bulbs produce heat which keeps the bugs warm more so on a chilly night. The heat from the light source will keep the bugs hovering around the place as long as the lights are on.
Another thing that attracts bugs to light is it helps them get direction. These insects confuse the artificial light with moonlight which they use to navigate. Some also use the lights as a mating signal. A certain light wavelength resembles mates and attracts hordes of bugs. Note that bugs love colorful lights like blue, green, and ultraviolet.
Other Lighting Tips to Do Away with Bugs
Apart from the above light types, you can use these tips to reduce the number of bugs around your lights. They include;
Using Several Light Sources
This hack will help you chase bugs and enable you to enjoy staying outdoors without these insects interfering. You can use multiple small lights instead of a big light source which usually confuses the bug’s direction.
Install LED lights for the top rails or stair railings. Then fix them as small vertical posts or universal lightboxes. Through this, you’ll spread the lights, making them less attractive to the bugs.
Fix The Lights Near the Ground
Alternatively, you can make the lights unattractive to the bugs by fixing them lower than they should. Remember, bugs fly high up and get attracted to lights on their way path. So, if you install your light source lower than usual, it will confuse the bugs.
If you’re installing these lights on your porch, consider having them on the treads. Having the lights on the sides of the house will also keep them away as this isn’t on their flight path.
The wattage of The Bulb/ Light Source
If you want to reduce the number of bugs attracted to the type of light you’re using, consider the wattage. A bulb with a higher wattage produces brighter light which attracts bugs. Bright light also shines from a distance, confusing the bugs as moonlight. This will keep them coming in that direction.
If you’re using a bulb with greater wattage, be ready to also pay for higher electricity bills as they produce more heat. You’ll be uncomfortable indoors and use AC to cool down the house, increasing your utility bills. This is more so a bulb with filaments. A bulb that produces much heat is an attraction to these bugs. So, you should avoid using them.
Bottom Line
Bugs can be irritating whenever you switch on the lights to see clearly. A reason you need the best type of light which won’t attract the bugs. You can opt for warm LED lights, producing less heat to brighten up the space. However, sodium vapor lights, warm halogen lights, or yellow CFL lights will also repel bugs as they are longer wavelength lights.