Your bathroom needs a proper ventilation system for various reasons. For one, it stops stuffy air and mold from forming. But, for you to install a ventilation system, you have to access the bathroom from outside. Which begs the question: how do you vent a bathroom with no outside access?

Not all bathrooms can indeed be accessed from outside. This makes it hard to vent them. Installing a ceiling vent, for instance, is one of the simplest ways to vent a bathroom with no outside access. There are still other options to consider, including a floor vent, a fan for increased airflow, or increased ductwork.

It’s not hard to know if your bathroom has a ventilation issue. You’ll notice that the air inside is stuffy; mold growth, and you have this urge to clean it frequently. This article will take you through everything you need to know about venting a bathroom with no outside access.

Do You Think Your Bathroom Has A Ventilation Problem?

Most people don’t look much into bathroom ventilation when they buy their homes. But, it’s possible to find homes with bathrooms that don’t have vents, and even more disappointing, with no outside access. This is especially common in older homes.

A bathroom that needs more ventilation will make itself known pretty fast. Look out for the following signs.

Mold Formation

Mold formation is one of the most common signs of a poorly ventilated bathroom. The moisture inside such bathrooms gets trapped for longer periods, encouraging mildew and mold to grow on the tiles and walls.

Molds cause respiratory diseases and can also bring allergic reactions in humans. So, having them in your bathroom is dangerous.

Stuffy Air

Imagine being in a poorly ventilated room, even for a minute. You’d feel congested, stuffy, and uncomfortable. People find it hard to breathe in a stuffy bathroom for obvious reasons.

Persisting Odor

A well-ventilated bathroom should handle the smell that comes out of your toilet well. You can’t imagine having a shower from a poorly ventilated bathroom right after someone has used the toilet.

It’s because the smell from the toilet will linger around this bathroom for quite a while, and you wouldn’t be able to withstand it. Your bathroom may remain smelly even after one hour.

Too Much Moisture

If you notice that your bathroom always has this moisture lingering in the air, even if you didn’t use it recently, then know that it isn’t properly ventilated. You’ll also notice stains on your bathroom walls and ceiling.

Venting a Bathroom with No Outside Access

Venting a bathroom with no outside access is no easy task. You’ll need the help of an HVAC contractor to get things right. This is because the job is too complex, and you may go against the building codes by doing it yourself.

Though it’s not a DIY project, you still have several options to pick from if you want to add ventilation to your bathroom. These include;

Installing a Ceiling Vent

Installing a ceiling vent will help you remove both the moisture and steam from your bathroom out through the roof. This installation is not only great for bathroom ventilation, but it also helps reduce your bathroom’s moisture levels.

Additionally, ceiling vents come packed with lights. The lights will make your bathroom look great, thus a worthy investment.

Adding a Floor Vent

Is your bathroom located under a stairway? If so, then it’s impossible to vent it through the roof. Actually, venting through the roof is not possible for any bathroom located away from the home’s exterior walls.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t add ventilation to such a bathroom. One available option is to add a floor vent. These vents have grates on the floor, enabling them to send air from your bathroom under the floor outside.

Adding a floor vent to your bathroom is undoubtedly such a great idea. These vents are the most durable. They’ll serve their purpose in your home for such a long time, only if your HVAC contractor does his installation job well.

Expanding the Bathroom Ducts

Your bathroom may have ducts installed, but you still think it doesn’t offer enough ventilation as it should. In this case, you can add extra vents in various parts of the bathroom, at least to increase airflow. 

You Can Install a Commercial Ductwork

Some people own or rent large buildings. Instead of living in these buildings alone, they prefer to house other people in different rooms to earn extra money. These other tenants usually complain about their bathrooms’ airflow.

If you live in such a setup, you may consider hiring a contractor for a commercial ductwork installation. The commercial ductwork will unify your bathroom’s airflow and increase breathability.

Adding a Fan

This is the only DIY option of venting a bathroom with no outside access. For extra breathability, simply plug in a fan in your bathroom and let it do its job temporarily. With a fan in place, you can do your work in the bathroom without feeling uncomfortable in any way.

Most people choose this option because it’s not only the easiest but also the cheapest. After all, you don’t need to hire any professional to have it done.

Should You Hire a Professional to Vent Your Bathroom

It’s possible to vent a bathroom yourself, especially if it’s only to add a fan temporarily as you work on your project. However, it’s really such a good idea to seek professional help with other options. Labor fees may be high, but at least you’ll get the work done right and perfectly.

Imagine what would happen should you decide to do it yourself and mess up in the process. First, you’ll not achieve your purpose, which is to get your bathroom ventilated. On top of that, your bathroom would continue sustaining high moisture levels, forming mold and stains on the floor, ceiling, and walls.

The costs of repairing, replacing, or renovating your bathroom after such a mess would be high. And, of course, it surpasses that of hiring a professional. So, it’s better to hire a professional instead of going through all this trouble and save yourself some money in the long run.

Cost of Hiring a Professional

There are several various costs associated with venting such bathrooms. Adding a fan to your bathroom, for instance, doesn’t require much. The price for a new fan ranges between $300 and $700. The others depend on the cost of the materials and how technical the work is.

Different people have different price quotes for the same job. So, to get a professional that will fit your needs and budget, it’s a good idea to call several of them to inquire about their quotes. Also, remember to ask what’s included and what’s not included in their quotes.

This is because most of them will give a quote that includes their labor and materials but would charge you later for debris removal. So, asking for clarification before hiring a professional will ensure you avoid paying unnecessary fees when the work is done.

Final Verdict

A poorly ventilated bathroom is not a place anyone would want to be or even deal with. The foul smell, excessive moisture, dirty stains on the walls and ceiling, and molds can make you run away from your home.

Thankfully, you can give your bathroom an extra breathing space and make it your favorite spot of the house again. The options above will help you solve your bathroom ventilation problem.

Choose a project that best fits your needs and budget. And though it may be expensive, it’s undoubtedly worth every penny.