Thinset is popular for commercial applications as it holds tile better. It’s a mixture of fine sand, water, and cement. Most people use thinset as mortar or adhesive in the shower because of its features. But is thinset waterproof?

Yes, Thinset is waterproof. It is used in wet areas like the shower. It has additives that contribute to its waterproofing nature. So, if you’re planning to install tiles in your showers or bathroom, thinset will come in handy.

Read on and find out more about how long the thinset takes to dry and if you can use it outside.

How Long Does It Take for Thinset to Dry?

After applying thinset on your shower tiles, you have to wait for them to dry. However, you will not wait longer as it takes less time to cure. Thinset is a quick-drying mortar that takes between 24 and 48 hours to dry.

It dries faster because of the water-retaining additives it’s made of that help in hydration. Also, the sand and cement mixture takes less time to dry, saving you from waiting longer before using your shower or bathroom.

But the time thinset will take to cure will depend on factors like temperature and the amount of water you use to make the mixture. Other factors like humidity and airflow will also determine the duration thinset takes to cure.

Below is an explanation of how each factor will affect the dry time;


If the temperature is low, the thinset will take longer to cure. This is because cold weather affects the strength of thinset mortar. But if it’s warmer, this won’t take long. If the temperatures move below 40 degrees F, it will take more than 24 hours to dry. In this case, you can use curing blankets to speed up the process.

Air Flow

For the thinset to dry faster, the mixture has to stay hydrated. This means there should be no winds or fans around the place to interfere with the moisture content preventing thinset from staying hydrated. So, you can switch off the fan and protect winds from reaching the surfaces where you’ve used thinset.

Water And Humidity

Excess water on the thinset will affect its cure time and its strength. It will also be difficult to work on a wet surface.

On the other hand, you need to monitor the moisture levels as it will determine the cure time and strength of the thinset. Low humidity will force you to add moisture to speed the cure time. But high humidity will reduce the time you wait for the thinset to dry.

Can Thinset Be Used Outside?

Yes, You can use thinset outside. When you opt to do so, you’ll have to use modified thinset mortar. The modified thinset will attach the tiles or stones to cement or concrete surfaces, making them hold better. It will also enable the surface to withstand adverse weather conditions and last longer.

Note that a modified thinset consists of more polymer and cement. You can use this versatile mortar to bind different substrates like metal. What makes it a good choice for exterior use is that it’s waterproof.

However, if you use thinset outside, you should know that it might take longer to cure. This is because high winds may reduce the moisture content in thinset, making it not stay hydrated. So, if you realize that the area is windy, protect thinset and add moisture as it dries to prevent it from cracking. Also, prevent too much water to maintain its strength and reduce cure time.

Why Use Thinset?

There are several reasons you should opt for thinset in your bathroom or shower. The benefits of this mortar include;


You will love the results after using thinset in your bathroom or shower as it’s water-resistant. It will ensure your tiles solidify in wet conditions making them last longer. Your tiles will remain strong and intact regardless of the water around them.

Despite thinset being waterproof, it will only give you the best results if you do things right. You must ensure the tiles stick together with no space for water to escape into the surfaces. When you install and use thinset the right way, it will also make your tiles last longer, saving you from unnecessary costs.

Beautify The Space

Additionally, thinset will make your shower tiles look beautiful after they dry. This is because they create strong, lasting bonds that will hold the tiles in place for long.

  • Thinset is also first drying. So, you won’t have to wait longer before enjoying using your space.
  • Applying thinset is also easy, allowing you to do DIY projects. If you’re doing a DIY project with thinset, you will not struggle as it will settle in the right place within no time.

What Will Happen If You Use a Thinset That’s Too Dry?

If you apply dry thinset on your tiles, it will be stronger, but the surfaces won’t hold well. This will make them fall apart or break, forcing you to repeat the whole process. But if the thinset is too wet, it will become very weak and can come off when exposed to heavyweight. However, it will create stronger bonds with your tiles.

Bottom Line

Thinset will enable you to secure tiles to floors or walls and make them look beautiful. To achieve this, you need to consider the kind of thinset you use and the application area. But since it’s waterproof, you can use it on wet surfaces like a bathroom.