Weeds are not only a threat in your garden but also when found growing between pavers. The infestation of these weeds along your patio will obscure the bricks or the stamped concrete. Are you tired of your pavement looking like some neglected garden in a rural area? Read on!
It is possible to eradicate weeds between pavers using recommended mechanical or chemical methods. The methods vary from physical hand pulling them to using salt or vinegar.
To help you settle this menace, we will explore the various tools used to remove weeds and other chemical solutions that can accomplish this task perfectly. You should be able to enjoy the look and feel of your pavement once you get to the end of this article. Scroll down for more.
Why Remove Weeds Between Pavers?
Now, pavers mostly consist of different flooring materials used on walkways, entrances, patios, and pathways. The contractors will fill the space between the pavers with sand to produce a harmonious and awe-inspiring look. However, weeds still manage to penetrate through and spoil the intended purpose of these pavers.
When these weeds come in, they pose various challenges to the pavers and the general homestead in the following ways:
- They might cause cracks in the pavers
- They encourage the habitation of insects such as mosquitoes
- They make the compound look untidy
You might have the best landscaping design, but weeds will spoil the fun. To maintain the perfect tone created by the pavers, you need to have strategic weed control mechanisms. That is what we are getting to in the next section – stay tuned!
Tools To Remove Weeds Between Pavers

Both traditional and modernized tools will help you remove weeds between pavers painstakingly. These tools are, however, used depending on several factors such as:
- The length of the tool
- The size and age of the weeds on the paver
- The space between pavers where the weeds are growing
- Cost implications in terms of purchase and maintenance
All these will determine the effectiveness and satisfaction you will get from a particular weeding tool used. Remember that the tool you choose can make the chore easier or prove a problem for you. For instance, a tool requiring you to bend for long hours may not be compatible with older men.
The various options available for weed eradication tools include:
- Cape Cod Weeders
- Soil or kitchen knives
- V-notch Weeders
- Dandelion weeders
- Paving weeders
- Spading forks
These tools are used in moderation depending on the different factors highlighted above. Furthermore, the tool you use should be able to pull out the weeds from their roots. It prevents the weeds from growing back in the same paver after removing them.
You can consult a home improvement center for the best tool to use in your pavers. Using the right tool will guarantee total eradication of the weeds and fewer maintenance costs on your paver. If you use a more destructive tool, you will have to chip into your pocket more to foot the costs of replacing the pavers altogether.
Will Vinegar Kill Weeds Between Pavers?
Yes, spraying the leaves and stems of the weeds with vinegar is a proven solution that eradicates weeds. It is a viable option, especially when using 20% acetic vinegar. Although it comes with its share of challenges, vinegar perfectly puts weeds in their right place.
Experts recommend adding about a teaspoon of dish soap to your vinegar solution for more effectiveness. A higher concentration is also recommended to achieve the best results.
However, you should note that vinegar does not kill the roots of the weeds. Therefore, you will have to spray with vinegar repeatedly to stay on top of your weed control plan. You can incorporate additional measures to complement your vinegar solution.
When using vinegar, there are various downsides to it, such as:
- It is an indiscriminate killer – it may kill your garden plants along with the paver too
- It causes etching of the pavers
- Vinegar has health concerns, especially when it comes in contact with your skin or eyes.
Many homesteads that have used vinegar for this purpose report success and term it cost-effective. Since vinegar is commonly used in the kitchen, it will not be that expensive to purchase it.
Will Salt Kill Weeds Between Pavers?
It is an effective method of killing and preventing the future growth of weeds along with your paver. Although you may need to apply it regularly, its effectiveness is above the mark, and it is also a cost-effective solution to weed eradication.
Salt kills weeds by disrupting the water balance when absorbed by the weed. When the weed takes in the salt solution, it eventually wilts and dies. The salt solution is easy to prepare and does not require any technical knowledge, unlike the other methods.
However, salt, like vinegar, has its perils which are as follows:
- It kills any plant that it comes into contact with
- Salt can also damage pavers
- Runoffs of the salt solution may change the quality of your garden soil
You should use it with caution and seek professional help if you are unsure of what you are doing. You would not want to eradicate one problem by creating five more through bogus salt application methods.
It is not a permanent solution, but its relevance cannot go without mention. Applying it in the right proportion and considering the factors mentioned earlier will benefit your weed control strategy.
Other Methods Used To Get Rid Of Weeds Between Pavers
With today’s do-it-yourself solutions, you can say goodbye to the nagging weeds between your pavers. These simple methods do not require other taxing efforts, such as hiring someone or a machine.
The other recommended weed eradication methods include:
- Baking soda is an alternative to the salt and vinegar solutions discussed above. Sprinkling baking soda solution will kill the weeds and prevent their future growth. However, you should apply it with caution since it carries the same negative effects on your pavement and soil as salt and vinegar.
- Boiling water: If the weeds are not on a large scale, you can get rid of them using boiling water. It is readily available and can kill both the seeds and roots of weeds. Since it is a non-selective killer, you will have to apply it with caution so that you do not kill other plants.
- Pulling them out: It is possible to pull out the weeds with your hand manually, although it may be tedious. This method is mostly applicable where the weeds are on a large scale. It is less of a threat to the surrounding plants, least expensive, and effective when removing weeds between cracks.
- Using a weed torch: You can use a blowtorch to burn the weeds. However, this method requires maximum caution, especially where flammable plants or structures are around.
With other recommended herbicides and chemical ingredients, you can get rid of these weeds in no time. A comprehensive weed control strategy will save you money and time. Use a formula that will protect both your pavers and the soil.
Final Thoughts
How you construct your pavers also determines the ability of the weeds to grow or not. Pavers with large spaces in between will necessitate the growth of weeds very fast. For concrete pavers, you should ensure that they are 60 millimeters thick.
If you do not want to go through this hustle, you can incorporate regular cleaning, sanding, and sealing of the paving stones used. These will prevent the growth of weeds and help you tackle other maintenance needs in your pavers. However, if you are already a victim, the methods listed above will help you greatly!
Read More About weeds: Does Vinegar Kill Weeds Permanently?