LED recessed lights are an attractive design that makes your rooms stand out. These lights help you highlight certain areas within the house with artwork or alcoves without using much energy. But do the LED recessed lights get hot in the process?

Yes, LED recessed lights get hot. However, the amount of heat emitted by these lights is not as much as with the other kinds of light bulbs. The LED recessed lights mostly produce less heat because of the heat sink feature, enabling them to remain cool and use less energy. 

If you’re wondering if your LED recessed lights do get hot and what to expect from that, we’ve got you covered. Here is everything you need to know.

Is It Okay for LED Recessed Lights to Get Hot?

It’s normal for LED recessed lights to get hot, especially when pushed beyond their limits. Like any other type of light, recessed lighting can produce heat as they run.

LED Recessed Lights Overheating

When recessed lights overheats, it can damage the bulb. This is if you’re using it in an enclosed area without a cooling mechanism. For example, most LED recessed lights have heat sinks feature, which helps regulate the heat in an enclosed area.

However, you need to remember that LED recessed light generates low heat and gets cool faster, and doesn’t dissipate into the surroundings but rather stays on the device. When the LED recessed lights get hot because of the heat, they can’t harm you. This is because the heat, an end product of LEDs, is harmless and normal.

So, if your recessed lights get hot, you can touch them as they light without getting burnt. In most cases, if you touch a hot LED recessed light, it will take you time to feel the heat.

What Makes LED Recessed Lights Hot?

The heat from the LED recessed light comes from the lighting setup and when the light is running. The heat that makes the LED recessed lights hot is because of amperes. If you allow excess amperage in a LED bulb, it will lead to heat generation. Remember, excess energy results in energy wastage that’s later converted into heat. Too much heat also causes the lumen output to reduce and decrease the LED bulb’s lifespan.

But generally, the heat on the LED recessed light comes by if the heat sink cannot absorb additional power that passes through the LED bulb. If this component can’t absorb all this heat, the LED recessed light will be hot. But this happens only for some time.

However, if you’ve got any of those expensive LED recessed lights with a better heat sink, this won’t be a problem.

Can LED Recessed Lights Cause Fire Outbreak When Hot?

As you use LED recessed lights, it’s best to understand that the heat they produce can be a fire hazard if not well managed. So, you need to understand the type of LED recessed light you’re using. Remember, there are the IC-rated, and non-IC-rated LED recessed lights.

The IC-rated LED recessed lights to work best in an insulated room/ceiling or while in contact with insulation. However, the non-IC-rated LED recessed lights can fire as they’re made of a single can. Even though the non-IC rated best suits non-insulated areas, they release heat into the room. You can know if your recessed lighting is IC rated or not by checking on insulation that glows on the IC rated recessed lighting.

Do LED Recessed Lights Overheat?

Yes. LED recessed lights can overheat if there’s a wiring problem or if you’re using a high wattage bulb. Note that you need to use a bulb with a wattage corresponding to what the fixture can handle. So, you need to change to a bulb wattage that’s not more than what the fixture can contain.

Additionally, you need to check the recessed lighting wiring to ensure everything is okay. If possible, work with an electrician to help you out.

What Affects LED Recessed Light Lifespan?

LED recessed lights should last longer than the other types of lights. However, some factors affect their lifespan, making them stop working before time. The most common cause of this problem is when you’re using LED light on the wrong wattage.

Another reason that can lead to this is faulty wiring which enables too much current to pass through them. The light’s heat sink material can also affect its lifespan. If it’s of poor quality, it absorbs electricity then converts it to heat.

Bottom Line

Even though LED recessed lights get hot, they don’t reach the extent the other types of lights do. They produce a much cooler heater that can’t overheat its components. So, you can touch the lighting without fear of getting burnt. However, there are instances when the LED recessed lights can overheat because of faulty wiring or improper wattage.