Water from your neighbor’s yard can destroy your property when the amount reaching your side is high. It can lead to flooding and cause mold growth on the walls. A waterlogged compound can also make your floors collapse, making you incur losses. But what if a neighbor drains water into your property?

Your neighbor can drain water from their property into yours if it doesn’t cause serious damage. However, there are instances when the law can hold your neighbor responsible for the damages caused by the water if they made alterations on their property.

But as neighbors, if the water damages your property, you can agree on the best way to solve the drainage issues. You can decide to install a French drainage system in the affected compound or direct the water into a dry well.

If your neighbor drains water into your property, this article will help you know the best ways to stop the water runoff.

How to Stop Water Runoff From Neighbor’s Yard?

If the water from your neighbor’s yard is affecting your property, it’s best to look for a permanent solution. You can try looking at how to prevent the water from entering your property first. But if this is impossible, you should put measures to divert the water away from your yard.

Here are some ways to manage the water runoff from your neighbor’s property:

Opt For a Dry Well

One of the best ways to manage the water from your neighbor’s yard is to settle for a dry well. The underground area will enable you to drain water from your yard without stress. But you must brace yourself for hard work as constructing one isn’t easy. You can buy a dry well from a home and garden store.

But ensure you do regular maintenance to remove dirt or sediments that might clog the dry-well preventing water from draining as it should.

Building A Berm

You can prevent water from your neighbor’s yard by constructing a berm. The berm will also help you make your yard attractive as you get to plant vegetation and grass on it. It will enable you to have the water not reach certain areas within your compound.

However, before installing a berm, ensure you plan out where the water will run out to avoid destroying the other part of the property. Also, pick the vegetation you’ll plant well to help regulate the amount of water. You can plant plants that require much water to grow to help absorb the runoff water.

Additionally, consider the shape of the berm and avoid the circular one. The c-shaped berm will help divert the water better. Don’t forget to start small and add more soil as time passes while ensuring the soil is well compacted to avoid being carried away.

Construct A French Drain

Another way you can use to manage water runoff from your neighbor’s yard is by constructing a French drain. When constructing a French drain, select the area beforehand. You should also know where to put the soil from the construction, like using it to start a kitchen garden.

Also, consider hiring someone to do the work or work as a team to reduce the workload and number of days to achieve the goal.

You can construct a french drain yourself by following some simple process.

Before you start, you’ll require the right tools to make your work easier. Here are some steps to make a french drain:

1. Dig A Trench

First, dig a big trench where water will drain to. Let the trench drain downwards to allow the water to move freely. It’s recommended to have the trench slope at 1 inch for every 10 feet. Before digging the trench, check for any underground pipes or utility lines.

2. Cover the Trench with a Filter Fabric

After that, you should introduce filter fabric to help maintain the pipes dirt-free. However, if the pipes are pre-fabricated, you can skip this step.

3. Add Gravel

You should then add gravel which will act as the pipe’s bedding and help keep dirt and debris away. Let the gravel layer be 3 inches thick and use the ideal size of gravel that is easy to spread out. Also, fix the inlet gate where water will pass through.

4. Install the Pipes

You should lay the pipes along the trench with the holes facing downwards. Connect the pipes and test if they work by pouring water through the inlet. If it’s working, add gravel to the pipes to cover them.

Introduce Water Retaining Wall on Your Property

You can also manage the water runoff from your neighbor’s yard. The wall will stop the water from reaching certain areas within your compound by directing it to the desired spot.

You can do it as a DIY project or work with contractors to have a preferred retainer wall. The amount you’ll spend constructing the wall largely depends on the materials you settle for. You should build a durable and strong water retaining wall to manage the runoff water for a long.

Plant Trees

Trees can also help you manage the water runoff from your neighbor’s yard. The tree roots will help absorb the water and prevent soil erosion, helping your yard retain beneficial nutrients. You can also plant grass in between the trees to help further. Having them on the terraced hillside will do when you opt for this method to manage the water.

Can You Sue Your Neighbor for Draining Water into Your Property?

There are instances when this is possible, especially if your neighbor does this intentionally and you have proof of substantial damage. However, in most cases, it’s advisable to solve the issue out of court to avoid confrontations between neighbors. You can agree to settle for installing a drainage system on your yard with the neighbor footing the bills.

Bottom Line

Water in your yard can be a menace and prevent you from achieving the desired results on your property. So, if your neighbor drains water into your property, you should find the best way to manage it. You can install a French drain, berms, or dry well. Trees will also help manage the water in your yard.