Most people are now opting for sustainable living to help conserve the environment. That’s why they use of solar panels is increasingly becoming popular. But can you use a 100-watt solar panel to run a refrigerator? A 100-Watt panel is a portable, affordable solar panel that will save your back in times of need when you’re out camping or when there’s a power outage. The 100-watt solar panels are smaller in size and can only work with some equipment of a certain watt. If you have a fridge that runs below the 100-watt mark, then this solar panel will power…
Author: Discussdiy
Some years back, most houses were built without footers underneath the concrete. Instead, the contractors only dug shallow trenches in the dirt then built the walls on them, which saw many homes be without a full basement. Footings are an essential part of any construction exercise. The footings will give the foundation of your building enough support and protect it from shifting and heaving because of thaw cycles. It also protects water runoff from destroying the slab and having it in good shape without cracks and splits. So, it’s safe to say that the concrete slabs need footings. To make…
Is your concrete driveway sealed or not? Are there benefits of sealing your concrete driveway, and why should you not do this? Most people use concrete on their driveways to make them durable. However, not all of them seal the concrete driveways after stamping and staining. Sealing a concrete driveway will help prevent it from moisture, as well as make it durable and beautiful. But you’ll spend a lot of money installing, and it requires regular maintenance. Also, it takes time to install, and some of the sealers are not eco-friendly. In this article, we’ll help you make a better…
Do you know how to mount your tv on drywall without studs? Currently, most people are opting for tv mounting to help them do away with bigger entertainment consoles. Mounting a tv enables you to have more space in small rooms. It also helps you have a neater and organized house since you’ll not have wires and cables spread all over the room. Most TV mounts for drywall require studs, which is part of the frame that supports the wall. However, not all homes are designed with walls that can work with studs. But if you don’t have the studs,…
In drywall construction, a corner bead is used wherever the walls or ceiling meet to form a corner. It gives a crisp edge, hiding any gaps or imperfections for a professional look. They are most commonly found in metal and vinyl, and there are several types for varying designs and uses. Specifically designed for trims, J-bead covers drywall edging that otherwise would be left unfinished. Similarly, L-bead covers edging that butts up against a material other than drywall. Archways require a special flexible corner bead, while rounded corners need a bullnose corner bead. For large surface areas of drywall, expansion…
This is a common question when you want to wire a light that will be on when another circuit is turned on or one that is going to be on all the time. You might also want to know how to complete this process if you are going to be installing a dimmer switch. The dimmer switch is one of the most common reasons that you might have this question. If you are looking to change an outlet from a controlled switch to one that is not controlled by a switch, you will need to bypass the switch. This requires…
Every DIY’er knows that there are certain things you shouldn’t do without the right equipment. Hanging pictures, shelves, mirrors, and other wall décor is one of those tasks. For most people, installing hollow drywall anchors is the easiest way to hang objects on a wall. You can use your drill or even a hammer for that job, but both options require some physical effort, leading to mistakes. Studs are better for heavy-duty projects like cabinets and bookcases. Anchors, on the other hand, are usually used when hanging lighter objects. Drywall anchors are usually drilled deep into the wall to counteract the…
If you work from home, you will need to have a good internet connection. If you and your partner both work from home, you will need to have a GREAT internet connection. There are many different internet service providers to choose from. You may be wondering if you can have more than one different internet provider in one apartment. This could be helpful if you already have a phone service provider that you don’t use for the internet. It is possible to have two different internet providers in one apartment. You can use two separate wireless routers in your apartment.…
Dryer vents are an essential part of the laundry room setup of your home. Correctly cleaned vents maintain fire safety and help your dryer to perform up to its full capacity. You will sometimes have to clean out this vent but you might not want to have to go up on the roof to do so. You can clean out your dryer vent without going on your roof by moving your dryer away from the wall and accessing the vent tube from the dryer. You will need to turn off the electricity to the room and then vacuum out the…
If you’re looking to decorate your house for the upcoming holiday season, you may be wondering if there’s any way to do so without having to commit to extremely bright lights. These lights can make it hard to sleep and maybe too flashy for your tastes. Unfortunately, LED Christmas lights aren’t dimmable on their own. If you’ve bought an LED light strip that doesn’t already include a dimmer, there isn’t much you can do to bring the brightness down without bringing in outside equipment. Simply changing the voltage won’t dim LED lights. You may feel disheartened when reading this, especially…