It’s wonderful having a beautiful well-maintained lawn around the home. However, you need to put in more work and patience to achieve this. You’ve got to mow at the right time and apply fertilizer to enhance the growth rate. But can you mow and fertilize on the same day?
Yes, you can mow and fertilize the same day. Remember you apply fertilizer to enhance grass growth and mow when the grass is at the growth stage. The two acts are coincidental, a reason why you can do both on the same day.
If you’re planning to have a well taken off the grass, this article will help you understand when to mow and fertilize.
Is fertilizer good for grass?
It’s advisable to apply fertilizer to your grass to facilitate fast and healthy growth. Fertilizers will ensure your lawn has enough nitrogen and nutrients, good for the root nodules. When your grass is healthy, it’ll be resistant to weeds and give you an easy time caring for them.
However, you need to identify the best time to apply the fertilizer, depending on the type you’re using. It’s important to note that each type of fertilizer takes varying times to absorb into the soil and grass.
How Long to Wait to Mow After Fertilizing?
If you want to mow after fertilizing, wait for some time before doing so. For example, give it about 24-48 hours before mowing if you’re applying granular fertilizer. Water the lawn to enable the fertilizer to absorb faster as you wait. Then give it more time for the grass to dry off. After that, you can mow your lawn to the desired length. But avoid using a grass catcher to cut as it can suck up the fertilizer if it hasn’t dissolved well into the soil.
Using Liquid fertilizer
If you use a liquid fertilizer that suits bigger lawns, you also need to wait before mowing. After fertilizer application, water the lawn to protect the grass from damage by nitrogen. After the water dries off, you can trim and have well-maintained grass.
You will not have to wait longer before mowing if you use liquid fertilizer. This can be two or four hours after the grass dries to avoid damaging the soil and the grass. Also, the mower can pick fertilizer when still wet, preventing your grass from benefiting. You can also take a chance and apply herbicides while applying these fertilizers to reduce your workload.
Tips to Remember If You Mow After Fertilizing
Here are useful tips which will see your grass flourish if you mow after fertilizing;
- Mow regularly; since the fertilizer will make your grass grow faster, make it a habit to mow more often. You should ensure you cut a third of the grass every time you mow. Doing this will facilitate even growth all over the lawn.
- Water the grass; watering the grass will help the fertilizer absorb into the soil faster. It will also reduce the damages caused if nitrogen on the fertilizer gets exposed to the grass for long.
- Don’t mow wet grass; this will damage the grass plus make the fertilizer ineffective.
Should You Mow Before Fertilizing?
You need to mow and fertilize your lawn regularly to have thick healthy green grass. But then it may not be obvious to choose the right time to mow. If you’re not sure whether to mow before fertilizing, this is an assurance that it’s possible.
It’s advisable to mow and then apply fertilizer to the lawn. Doing this will enable you to remove waste covering the soil, preventing it from receiving enough water and other nutrients. Mowing before fertilizer application will also help open the soil pores. The fertilizer will get deeper into the soil when this happens, benefiting the grass more.
The grass roots will get adequate space to expand and grow, reducing weed growth. Additionally, the grass clippings that remain after mowing will help the grass thrive better as they’ll help retain the nutrients in the soil. If you apply fertilizer afterward, it will complement the soil’s organic components, making your grass thrive.
Right Time to fertilize mowed grass
If you decide to mow before fertilizing, choose the right time. It’s best to apply the fertilizer in late summer or early spring. Choose the appropriate fertilizer, which depends on the season. For example, spring fertilizers have high nitrogen levels, while fall fertilizers are rich in potassium.
Also, don’t cut the grass too short. Short grass will be vulnerable to diseases and not photosynthesize, making you think the fertilizer/ method isn’t effective. It’s best not to cut utmost 1/3 of the grass. Then take like a week before mowing again.
Bottom Line
You can apply fertilizer before or after mowing. Each method has its advantages which you need to look at beforehand. However, it’s advisable to mow and then apply fertilizer to benefit the grass more.